Richiesta di ritiro del consenso per i soggetti interessati

Please enter your information below so that we can best identify you and take action.

How Can We Help

European data subjects have certain rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), including the right to opt out. You can communicate such a request to TransPerfect below.

I want to stop processing my personal data and I understand that means that TransPerfect and all TransPerfect's group companies will not be able to send me any further communication including communications about business opportunities or services. This will also remove my access to any applications within TransPerfect's group technology suite.

I understand that means that TransPerfect and all TransPerfect's group companies will not be able to send me any further communications about business opportunities and services.

I also understand TransPerfect may continue processing data and sending communications for the purpose of, including but not limited to, maintaining access to any applications within TransPerfect’s technology suite.

If you would like to file a complaint you can email or use the online form.

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