How Travel Companies Can Engage Gen Z

We’ve covered how millennials have impacted travel and how businesses can understand how that generation thinks to make the most of the opportunity.
But now there’s a new kid in town: Gen Z.
Gen Z consists of those born between 1997 and 2021, making them the youngest travelers with disposable income.
So how should travel and hospitality companies interact with them, and what are they looking for when booking trips?
Authentic Branded Content Is Key
As the first generation brought up with social media already established as the norm, Gen Zers are savvy. They have their finger on the pulse of digital content.
They’re wary of spon con and the use of influencers when it comes to marketing campaigns. What they want is an authentic voice speaking truthfully about what they can expect.
To create an authentic content marketing strategy to appeal to Gen Z, try repurposing or commissioning genuine user-generated content.
OTAs Are Top of Mind
With 64% of Gen Zers claiming to be “constantly online,” it’s no surprise that they turn to online travel agents when planning a trip.
One of the most important things for Gen Z when booking a trip is price, so they’re on the look out for great deals that are often found on OTAs. Combine this with the fact that the younger generation is more brand-agnostic that others and you have the perfect OTA customer.
Since Gen Zers are mostly on mobile devices, ensure your website is optimized for mobile to set your business up for success.
Pent-Up Demand
The younger generation has definitely been heavily affected by the pandemic. They’ve missed out on youthful experiences like prom and spring break, which has led to a real desire for travel and exploration.
By positioning experiences to align with what Gen Z missed, you’re speaking to their pent-up demand.
It’s no surprise that sustainability and inclusion are at the forefront of Gen Z consumers’ minds. Sustainability affects the decisions they make when selecting what products and experiences to buy.
The Masdar Gen Z global sustainability survey revealed that 59% of Gen Zers express genuine interest in sustainable development. They’re more likely to choose brands that offer information about their carbon footprint and guidelines for environmental sustainability.
Diversity and Inclusion
Gen Z is not only more likely to boycott non-sustainable brands and spend with those that can prove their sustainability. According to Expedia, three in four Gen Z Americans are also looking for companies that value diversity and inclusion.
Authenticity comes into play again here to win Gen Z brand advocates.
As with every generation, Gen Zers are a worldwide audience. To ensure you’re communicating with them as effectively as possible, consider your target markets and what their language preferences are.
Not sure where to start with a global strategy?
Get in touch with our team to find out how to set your business up for success in all languages.