Improve global sales: Think locally

There are many options for engaging customers, depending on an e-tailer’s resources and needs. For companies looking to expand their global footprint and sell in foreign countries, there is one technique that is proven to reach a broader audience and build lasting loyalty: website localization.
The localization concept suggests conversion that goes beyond machine language translation. Rather than mechanically changing text from one language to another, localizing instead creates new content that resonates with its audience based on cultural customs and references. Regardless of the promises of a particular product, localizing communications for other cultures must be handled carefully by professionals who understand the nuances of word choice and connotation in any given language. Settling for anything less puts the effectiveness of international campaigns at risk.
Seventy-three percent of the consumers who participated in a recent survey said they encounter e-commerce websites that are not available in their native languages. Nearly 68 percent said they “always” or “sometimes” encounter website translations that are not correct, or are confusing because the writer lacked an understanding of the culture. And more than half said when left to their own devices, they either try to translate material themselves, rely on a browser-based translation application, or terminate their shopping sessions.
When visiting a website with the intent to make a purchase, consumers hold an expectation that they will be able to understand the content to which they are exposed. Consumers want to feel respected, and they will be more inclined to make a purchase when subjected to content that is mindful of their native environment. This will build brand loyalty and increase the chance of the consumer making a purchase.