Evolving with Our Clinical Users – Part 1

Communication! Communication! Communication!
Like any relationship, the theme to a long and healthy one always boils down to communication. In this two-part series, we’ll explore investments in communication that help Trial Interactive keep up with our users.
In the world of clinical operations, digitizing the TMF was a process that began in earnest just over a decade ago. As the industry, technology, regulations, and the behaviors and expectations of clinical professionals evolve, we also must continue to evolve to meet the emerging needs and innovation possibilities.
In the earlier days of web-based business innovation, simply recognizing processes that would benefit from digitization and being the first to make it happen was sometimes enough. By the time TMF innovation began, digital product development was no longer novel and innovators needed to anticipate not only the process considerations, but also the broader user experience. Today’s innovators need to design themselves (and constantly redesign themselves) to set and anticipate these expectations.
For Part 1, here are five ways Trial Interactive ensures we live on the edge of the needs and wants of clinical research teams:
Multiple Channels for User Feedback
Innovators need to make it easy for clinical professionals to communicate likes, dislikes, and ideas. Designing several touch points into the experience makes it simple for people to share thoughts directly through the application, email, dedicated project managers, sales contacts, and the product teams. Making it easy to talk to us has always been a key component of our service, and we are investing in continuing to deepen that ongoing dialogue.
Customer Engagement Programs
Building on the feedback channels, we have created panels that customers can join to collaboratively discuss product ideas, challenges, and the product roadmap in live web conferences. We don’t just want feedback; we want users to know they can jump right into dialogue with our teams to create the future together. Ask us anytime about joining the conversation!
User Feedback Informs Roadmaps
User feedback directly influences product roadmaps. Great ideas are great ideas, no matter where they come from. Our users in the customer engagement programs get a very intimate view of feedback being merged into the roadmap, and our customers are always able to view our current roadmaps in meetings or upon request. An important component of partnership is knowing where we are all going together.
Investing Heavily in the Platform Interface
We have made iterative changes to our platform throughout the years to make the experience more intuitive and make features quick and easy to use. Users rightfully expect us to keep searching for better and better ways to improve how they get things done. We meet the enthusiasm for constantly evolving tech through investment in analysis and expertise to guide the evolution of the interface. The next iteration, TI10, will be another big step forward in making Trial Interactive as practical and intuitive as possible.
Putting Practical First
When it comes to technology, power is important. However, technological power means very little if it’s not genuinely creating advantages in speed, intelligence, compliance, oversight, or quality. It is important that clinical teams have an experience that is focused on the day-to-day operational necessities. Real power comes from a comprehensive approach to clinical research and the aggregate of well-considered and well-designed features. We pride ourselves in placing the real-world problems of clinical research teams first.
A leader from one of our long-standing Trial Interactive customers once said to us: “Trial Interactive now operates in the background…in a good way. We don’t even think about it. We just get things done. I think that is a good indication that those years of development and collaboration and cooperation with companies has paid off. This is even truer with some of the more sophisticated features and addition of the mobile application.”
The closer we collaborate with users, the more we can ensure the evolution of our product is such that it operates in the “background” for all of our users and is best for their needs. Most importantly, we need to make sure we continue to design ourselves to evolve with the wants and needs of our users, which we’ll continue to explore in Part 2 of this series.
Going to DIA 2019? Schedule a time to talk e-clinical innovation and join us at our after-party!