What Not To Do When Moving to Topic-based Authoring

With the ability to reduce costs, shorten project schedules, and meet an organization’s strategic goals, topic-based authoring using a content management system (CMS) is a cost-effective way to create content. If you’re thinking about making the move, here are some things that you should not do. If you already made the move and you’re struggling, these “do not’s” may show you where you took a wrong turn.
Not having management on board
Support from senior management ultimately means support from the rest of the departments within the company. Not only is senior management’s financial support important, but their moral support is critical to have when implementing CMS software, too. If they’re embracing this move to topic-based authoring, then it will be easier to get the rest of the company on board with the idea.
Using the same tools you’ve always used
One thing companies don’t realize is that the tools you’ve been using to solve your problems are sometimes the source of your problems. It’s important that you do your research and make sure the tools your company is using are actually benefiting your company and not causing your company to fall away from what you’re trying to achieve.
No training
Whether your company has implemented a hosted content management system or has the CMS in-house, getting your employees acclimated to the new processes should immediately follow when new tools are being implemented into a company. If training doesn’t occur, you’re setting your company up for failure. Training doesn’t just provide information on how to use the product, but it introduces new processes and best practices for the workflow.
Underestimating the change
Moving to topic-based authoring to accommodate digital publishing isn’t just an overnight change where you’ll come in the next day and your content fits perfectly into this new environment. Content may not easily fall into categories the way you want it to. Understanding that it’s going to take a timely effort to restructure your content prevents frustration throughout the company. The sooner you begin analyzing your content and determining what content you’re going to move, the sooner you can implement the new structure-based authoring environment.
For additional information, visit www.vasont.com or contact us to get started with your content management strategy