TransPerfect’s AI: Bringing Together Process and People

When machine translation (MT) was first introduced in the language services industry, it was exciting, yet unreliable; current, yet a little intimidating. However, there was no doubt that MT would soon be making waves.
Machine translation was a disruptive force sitting right on our horizon. At TransPerfect, we saw it as an opportunity for everyone involved in the translation workflow. TransPerfect’s AI is more than just efficient technology, it’s a thorough process. Our MT is focused on customizable and flexible workflows—called Machine Translation Post-Editing (MTPE)—which support our best talent during a time of crushing demand.
We are at a technological crossroad between traditional translation work and MT. It requires a keen eye on the industry, a deep understanding of linguistics, and an appreciation of our rapidly expanding reach to get this combination right. TransPerfect has considered everything from audience needs to material complexities and data security in an effort to champion this. We have leveraged our linguistic assets while developing accurate and secure engines alongside customizable workflows to offer an MT platform that delivers tremendous value among our AI products.
As demand for such highly skilled work increases, the need to optimize MT is also increasing. We designed our proprietary engines with both the future of our industry and our clients’ success in mind. Leveraging new technologies to meet amplified demand also meant bringing our best people into the process, as it also takes talent and expertise to meet that demand in a world that values precision. Our MT engines and following workflows are designed to publish more high-quality content in more languages than ever before. Every step of the process is a game-changer. Combined with our linguist’s incredible knowledge and support, our MT platforms deliver more than just volume—they deliver accuracy, efficiency, and security.
When considering and accepting projects involving MT, it is important to consider some best practices that will help us and our partners collectively meet our goals.
- MT can only be used on projects with clearly specified MTPE workflows. This is to ensure that the correct project specifications and workflows are being used for the appropriate material types.
- Only TransPerfect-approved MT is permitted on TransPerfect MTPE projects. This guarantees that all linguistic assets have been leveraged, the MT output is of the highest quality considering the leveraged assets, and all security requirements are being met.
- Prior to accepting or working on an MTPE project, our linguists must be certified for MTPE through TransPerfect’s comprehensive MT training. As MT becomes the future, we can get you trained and ready to work on these exciting projects. Please reach out to, and a member of our recruitment team will set you up.
Successfully leveraging technology is about delivering the right tools and training to your people. It’s about leveraging technology together.
Is AI the future of our business? Of course. Technology is the future of any business, but technology cannot replace talent—and talent is what makes the TransPerfect difference.
If you’re a linguist interested in learning more about TransPerfect’s MT and AI solutions, please visit our website or email us at