ISEO: What does it mean for your marketing efforts?

There is little value in going live with a website or social media campaign that is not optimized with fresh, keyword-specific content. Descriptive tagging, rich media, social media distribution, and internal and external links should be constructed simultaneously with the overall campaign to create consistent, relevant messages in ads, landing pages, Tweets, Facebook posts and search engine marketing.
Today, harnessing the power of the Internet to globalize business initiatives and increase revenue streams is more viable for more companies, as opposed to an earlier time when only the largest businesses were able to afford to localize their websites. For businesses of all sizes and in all industries, ISEO can help attract customers in numerous foreign markets through website and marketing strategy development. Copy optimization and proper keyword selection are the first items that should be on the minds of companies moving into foreign markets, structuring the architecture of the site with respect to a broad range of international audiences. Businesses are quickly finding that ISEO best practices enhance online marketing strategies, inviting a wider range of audiences to partake in e-commerce activities.
Global e-commerce companies must invest in the development of an international search engine marketing (ISEM) plan. ISEM starts with research into regionally relevant keywords. Translation and localization experts should be entrusted to lead ISEM efforts because they understand the nuance of regional dialects and conversational speech, as well as the parameters of preferred search engines.
After selecting the effective keywords, organizations can begin building multi-pronged efforts in new markets. This might include targeted pay-per-click ads, relevant landing pages, multilingual rich media, adapted banner ads, out-of-home advertising, experiential marketing with people on the ground, philanthropic community involvement, and events like launch parties and networking functions, as well as social media outreach.