3 Tips to Crafting a Successful Localization Strategy in the Travel Industry

The ever-growing international business market proves that the only way to successfully integrate into foreign territory is to ensure that your web content has been thoroughly localized. The internet allows for consumers worldwide to make purchases based on product preference, and not location. However, in order to stand out from competitors, you must afford your international customers with the luxury of navigating your site in their native language.
The travel industry is particularly in need of localization. Despite the many possibilities that companies in the travel industry offer their consumers, they must continue to innovate ways to make their services more easily accessible to even their most diverse clientele. It is important for these companies to understand that localization is still an integral part of their success. Below are three strategies for companies in the travel sphere who strive to gain a stronger foothold in the expanding global enterprise landscape:
1. Offer international support for all aspects of your website. A consumer from any country should be able to access any part of your site in their own language, as well as reaching customer service representatives who speak their language as well; this shouldn’t be limited to flight information. Travel companies have customers from all over the globe—their websites’ features must appeal to the range of people who may visit it.
2. Pay attention to trends. The easiest way to ensure you are marketing to your prime consumer base is to track shopping patterns and purchases in order to determine where your key demographics are. Once these regions are pinpointed, companies need to adjust their marketing and services to focus on the particular group that is responsible for the majority of sales. Having all aspects of a website available in their native language will result in significant brand loyalty from that particular market segment.
3. Maintain a focus on technology. According to an eMarketer report released last quarter, US mobile travel sales—including travel purchases made on both tablets and smartphones—equaled $16.36 billion in 2014, and is expected to increase another 60% in 2014. Companies who target global travelers must ensure that their web services have been optimized for viewing on mobile devices so that the shopping experience remains streamlined and convenient for this large market of mobile consumers. Ease-of-use is a particular differentiator that will promote repeat business.