TransPerfect Buys Digital Reef
By David Roe
CMSWire - October 11, 2012
We’ve been talking about Digital Reef since it opened in 2006, particularly its e-Discovery software, which it has been delivering as an on-premises solution since the start, and as SaaS a bit later.
One of its really attractive components for enterprises in recent times has been its ability to process Big Data. In fact, that ability has been such a pull that TransPerfect Legal Solutions, a US-based legal services provider, has decided not just to invest in the Big Data capabilities, but to buy out Digital Reef completely.
For those who think this might be an extreme way of developing Big Data abilities, consider how quickly this IT area is developing and how much the demand for Big Data processing is going to grow in coming years — especially around the compliance and regulatory space.
Already, for legal service providers, it is almost mandatory to be able to provide this ability, and TransPerfect can now do it through the Digital Reef buy.
No details of the deal were released, but the idea appears to be to provide early case assessment and large-scale e-discovery to TransPerfect clients as soon as possible. It should also help TransPerfect with its marketing initiatives, as Digital Reef has been known for its ability to scale up or down easily, making it a runner for companies of all sizes.