ISO 14971 Registration System Pays off for UL Customer
UL Health Sciences
May 13, 2009
UL customer Crimson Life Sciences has just published a case study "Getting More for Less: The Alchemy of Risk Management" which documents the competitive advantage they achieved through their ISO 14971 Risk Management system. In their first full year of implementation, Crimson saw a 36% improvement in their accuracy rates. Crimson issued a press release on May 6th - you can see it in its entirety here:
As Crimson's ISO 14971 Registrar, UL is highlighted in this case study. You can request your free copy through Crimson Life Sciences at:
ISO 14971 Registration is just one of the services UL offers to support companies looking to improve their business, and it also one of the ways to show conformity to the risk management clauses in IEC 60601-1 3rd Edition. For more information on UL's ISO 14971 registration service, visit our website at: