
Britta Aagaard

Chief Business Officer, Semantix

About Britta

Britta Aagaard is the Chief Business Officer at Semantix, the market leader in the Nordic region. With an academic background in Philosophy and the Science of Language, she brings a unique combination of language expertise and critical thinking to her role, enabling her to approach complex business challenges with a comprehensive perspective. Leveraging her industry knowledge and identifying market opportunities, Britta establishes strong relationships with key stakeholders, fostering growth and promoting innovation. Her understanding of client needs and industry trends enhances her capacity to position the language industry as a vital catalyst for digital transformation and global customer experience.

Britta's entrepreneurial acumen is evident through her successful ventures within the language industry, including founding and exiting companies, as well as executing mergers and acquisitions. These accomplishments highlight her exceptional business acumen and adeptness in change management. Britta's leadership, integrity, and ability to promote teams enable her to inspire and motivate others towards achieving common goals and driving organizational success. Her commitment to excellence and creating a collaborative innovation culture further reinforces her influential role in the language industry.

Beyond the privilege of providing executive leadership to her organization, Britta offers thought leadership to the language community. Britta holds board memberships in GALA and LT Innovate, renowned global and European organizations dedicated to fostering collaboration and innovation in the language industry. She contributes to the strategic direction of these associations, driving the adoption of best practices and technological advancements. Furthermore, Britta is a valued member of the LIND Expert Group, providing expert guidance to the European Commission on language-related policies and initiatives. Her engagement showcases her deep industry knowledge and dedication to driving positive change with multilingual AI, advanced data and language technology for a prosperous and democratic digital future.



Kickstart your global strategy

We enable our clients to reach new markets globally by connecting with their audiences and providing the best possible customer experience—in any language. 



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